Testimonials from users of our hyperbaric chambers


Chronic pain patient with mobility issues


Loss of strength in the hands due to MS (Multiple Sclerosis)


Chronic hip problems on both sides


Child with motor walking impairment


Woman with neurological walking impairment

Tomcat Aslan

Cat with neurological walking impairment

What Do Users of Our Hyperbaric Chambers Report?

Hello Ruth,

As requested, I am sending you all my examination reports. I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis in January 2021 at the Thorax Clinic in Heidelberg. I was advised to start a therapy with Azathioprine, with the clear warning that if I didn’t take it, I would end up in intensive care within two years. I ignored the advice and did not fill the prescription.

By a fortunate coincidence, I was referred to Dr. Lemke. His treatment greatly improved my health.

In March 2024, due to personal stress (the death of my mother), I suffered a sudden hearing loss. Dr. Lemke recommended treatment with the hyperbaric chamber. The hearing loss was healed in just a few days.

Using the chamber has led to further health improvements:

  • ●  My oxygen level has significantly improved. In the chamber, it reaches up to 100%, and outside, it stays between 93-98%. My sleep is more restful and shorter. Previously, even after 8-9 hours of sleep, I didn’t feel refreshed. Now, I wake up fit after 6-7 hours. I no longer need an oxygen concentrator at night, nor do I use it during the day.

  • ●  The persistent coughing with phlegm has almost disappeared. It used to happen 10-20 times a day, or even more frequently in the worst periods. Now, it occurs just 3-5 times a week.

  • ●  During the day, I have much more energy. I can take long walks, even uphill, something that had been impossible for many years. Gardening is also possible again.

  • ●  After showering, I used to feel exhausted, and my oxygen level would drop sharply, often to 80%. I had to rest and use the oxygen concentrator. Now, I have no problems, and I can immediately get dressed and start my day.

  • ●  In July 2022, I suffered a cruciate ligament tear. It was not operated on. Since I started using the chamber, I no longer have pain. Even small wounds (e.g., cuts while cooking) heal very quickly without scarring. My skin has become softer and smoother. I no longer have scaling on my legs and arms.

  • ●  On Thursday, a molar was extracted. I did not need painkillers. The healing is progressing without issues and swelling.

    I am very happy and satisfied to have the chamber, which has significantly improved my overall condition.

    If you need more information, feel free to call me.

    Have a great Sunday and best regards, Regina from Michelstadt
    (Testimonial dated 08.09.2024)”


Dear Team at Hyperbarics Europe,

I would like to give you feedback on the use of your hyperbaric wellness chamber. My father has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for 35 years. His main complaints include severe walking instability and rapid fatigue. Additionally, he experiences muscle twitching in the legs, causing involuntary movements. Even short distances require the use of a walker.

After the first ‘dive’:

  • ●  His walking was somewhat more stable, with legs mostly straightened.

  • ●  Muscle twitching while sitting and lying down was significantly reduced.

    After the second session:

  • ●  Improved walking (even better than after the first session).

  • ●  My father started whistling to himself again (something he hadn’t done in years).

  • ●  His overall mood improved.

    After further use:

  • ●  He now walks upright and can cover short distances indoors without a walker.

  • ●  He participates more in conversations, even in groups (previously, he was acoustically


  • ●  He now engages more actively in his leisure time.

    Note: My father usually uses the hyperbaric chamber once a week. If he skips a session, the muscle twitching in his legs returns promptly.

    We are very satisfied with the results and recommend hyperbaric treatments to friends and acquaintances for other conditions. We also receive very positive feedback from people with Parkinson’s or respiratory issues.

    Thank you to the entire team for your competent support. We wish you all the best!

    With kind regards,
    Nadine F., Braunschweig (Testimonial dated 11.09.2024)”

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    Dear Ruth and Pia,

    After my son was diagnosed with early childhood autism, I was constantly searching for ways to improve his condition, in addition to the various therapies. Every evening, I browsed American forums and repeatedly came across ‘HBOT.’ 

    I found the hyperbaric chamber fascinating and searched the internet to find a place where we could try one, but to no avail. Months later, it came to mind again, and I asked in a German autism forum if anyone had experience with the chamber. One mother reported that the chamber had helped her daughter start speaking, and she gave me Ruth’s contact. I immediately got in touch with her and booked a trial session in Berlin. After the session, my son said his name, and I was amazed. That was the turning point for me to rent the chamber. Since we have been using it, I have noticed improvements in many areas, such as:

  • ●  He can now sit still and look at a book.

  • ●  He is less sensitive to touch, and words come more easily to him.

  • ●  Consistency and regular sessions are important for him, as I have noticed.

    I do not regret investing the money in the chamber for even a single day. I have not noticed any negative effects, and I can see that the hyperbaric chamber is simply good for my son.

    Thank you, Ruth and Pia, and thank you, Hyperbarics Europe, for the valuable work you do.

    Best regards,
    (Testimonial dated 12.09.2024)”